DGFG - Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Gewebetransplantation
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 21
30625 Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49 511 563 559 30
E-mail: info@gewebenetzwerk.de
Sylvia Neumann
Zellescher Weg 3
01069 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 320 17 320
E-mail: sneumann@intercom.de
For information on the European Eye Bank Association (EEBA) and how to become an EEBA member please contact:
Gary L. A. Jones
Executive Officer,
European Eye Bank Association
Via Paccagnella n. 11 - Padiglione Rama
30174 Zelarino - Venice (Italy)
Tel: +39 041 965 64 22
E-mail: admin@europeaneyebanks.org